الأحد، 8 سبتمبر 2013

Sony Ericsson Xperia X102013 tips

how to unlock your mobile 2013 tips
Known so far under the code names or Rachael Xperia X3, the first Android smartphone Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 eventually appoint. The terminal will run on version 1.6 (donut) Android helped by Qualcomm Snapdragon processor clocked at 1GHz QSD8250!

To touch, Xperia X10 has a 4-inch capacitive screen displaying a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels (WVGA). It also loads a 8.1 megapixel autofocus camera with flash, Smile and geolocation (chip A-GPS). In RAM, we can count on a 1 GB internal memory and a 8GB microSD card will be supplied.

The device is compatible with HSPA broadband networks as well as wireless Bluetooth, WiFi and have a micro USB port and a 3.5mm jack to plug in any headphones audio.

Xperia X10 is the first Android smartphone Sony Ericsson signed. It is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon processor clocked at 1GHz QSD8250 and is equipped with a 4-inch capacitive screen displaying a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels (WVGA). A phone full of promise.

The X10 covets the top of the podium of smartphones, neither more nor less. Its 4-inch screen is huge. It is the promise of a comfortable internet browsing. The X10 takes 8 megapixel photos with flash and autofocus. This Android smartphone is compatible with 50,000 applications (Market). What more?
The X10 marks the return of Sony Ericsson smartphones on the market of your dreams. In recent years, the Japanese-Swedish manufacturer multiplied errors on this segment. Its smartphones have the same weakness: a Symbian OS with either exceeded or Windows. The X10 does not have that handicap. It embeds Android, a sure bet. And if the Xperia X10 was a good compromise deal with the iPhone?

Package Contents

Out of the box, the X10 seems immense. In reality, it is barely larger than an iPhone. It measures four millimeters in length more and more of a millimeter in thickness.

• A charger
• A sync cable Micro USB format
• A stereo headset
• A memory card 8GB
• Battery

The pack is not fancy but very complete, including mobile and usual accessories.

The X10 sports a fairly solid design, while edges. The rectangular shape is reminiscent of a brick. When the returns, an arched back is revealed, the antithesis of the front. The assembly does not have much charm. But the X10 is still an ounce of class. Unfortunately, the materials of the X10 are not worthy of a high-end mobile. The plastic shells are very common. The buttons are too flashy. They imitate the metal chrome without illusion. The touch, these buttons appear too light. The impression generated by the X10 black is very flattering. But the X10 is also white. In this color, its plastics have a nicer appearance.

The keys on the X10 are no surprises. On the front, there are three buttons: back, home, and options.

On the right portion, a volume knob and a trigger shot.

However, there is no button on the left side edge.

Over the mobile, a key to lock the mobile, or unlock it. To unlock the screen, a second step is required. You should move a small arrow. Better to make this gesture gently touch screen of the X10 lacks sensitivity. Finally, we also find the 3.5mm jack and microUSB connector.

As for the bottom of the mobile, we find the location to put a leash if necessary.

Its screen measures 4 inches, 3.2 inches cons for the HTC Legend, 3.5 inches for the iPhone, 3.7 inches for the Motorola Milestone, and 4.3 inches for the colossus from HTC, the HD2. The screen of Sony Ericsson is really great. Its definition is excellent: 854x480 pixels. It's a nice screen, even if its colors appear a bit cold, and the brightness a bit tight. The weight of the X10 is still reasonable: 135 gram. Many users are used to carry a load equivalent in their pocket.

The X10 has no mechanical keyboard. It takes text on a virtual keyboard. The keyboard Android is usually quite pleasant. On the X10, it is recalcitrant. We often tape the next letter. This fault lies with the X10's touch screen, rather imprecise. This defect is tolerable in most applications. But in the performance of precision that is to type quickly on the keys of 4 millimeters wide, it is hardly excusable.

The X10 is bristling with antennas: 3G +, WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth. Its internal memory is small (1GB). But fortunately, it comes with an 8GB memory card. It can store 1500 songs plus a few hundred photos. For many users, it's enough.

X10 menus are clear enough. This is not a surprise, since the X10 is an Android. Sony Ericsson has added an aesthetic touch to the Google OS. A blue theme pervades the office. We find this blue tint in many applications. The result is successful. Too bad the icons remain unchanged. They lack the charm and clarity. The icons of the iPhone or the Palm Pré are clearer and more enjoyable.

As always on Android, applications are grouped in a menu. This menu appears with a simple swipe of a finger. Applications are listed alphabetically. Provided we installed some new applications, the list is endless. Again, the iPhone is more clear. The X10 is fast. All menus open and close in a flash. The processor at 1GHz Snapdragon is for something.

The major strength of Android is his office. A clear, customizable depth. We can delete all the shortcuts and replace them with those you prefer. Better still you can make "widgets," small programs such as Agenda, the search window, Facebook, etc.. Anrdoid not propose a score. But you can download hundreds on the Internet, via Android Market. An online store rather pleasant to use. For example, we recovered a Widget Gizmodo, which distributes the titles of recent articles in the U.S. site.

Android is certainly not the operating system easier market. However, it is more customizable. The curious will never exhaust the possibilities for exploration offered by the widgets and applications. Android technophiles can customize exactly to their liking. As for traditional customers, they may miss these opportunities for customization, fault to understand the interest, or need to understand its operation.

The X10 is shipped with an old version of Android 1.6. Sony Ericsson could offer the update to Android 2.1 in a few months. For now, the decision has not yet been arrested. This update brings several major improvements to X10, such as management of multipoint, and the possibility of merging the SIM contacts with Facebook contacts.

The smartphone also loads an overlay to own Sony Ericsson, which is firmly centered around the contacts and social networks like the interface of the Motorola MotoBlur Dexter. It is the application Timescape which will be discussed a bit later in this test.

The camera's X10 crystallizes much hope. The picture is the big weak point of smartphones. None is capable of shooting excellent pictures. The X10 is equipped with an 8 megapixel photo sensor where its competitors capped at 5 megapixels (excluding old Nokia smartphones). And since Sony Ericsson mobile camera produces excellent, the real hope is that the X10 delivers real improvement. Alas, the pictures of the Sony Ericsson are disappointing. Their quality is good, certainly, but not excellent. 5 megapixels are many smartphones as well - the Motorola and Nokia Milestone X97 mini particular.

Photos taken from the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 [click to enlarge]

The definition pictures of the Xperia X10 is not really superior to its competitors: the eye does not receive any additional detail. The colors of pictures of X10 are sometimes overly bright. Under low light, light a 60 watt bulb for example, the photos are correct, nothing more. As for the flash of X10, it is barely two meters. These results are not exceptional. Photos of the X10 are good. But with a compact camera quality, it takes better shots.

The X10 is a camcorder passable. Yet he filmed in 800x480, excellent resolution. But the results do not match our expectations. The sequences of X10 saccadent much when you move the mobile. The white objects are sometimes slightly burned. The lack of natural colors. In sum, the sequences of X10 are only correct. IPhone videos filmed a little more beautiful.
The MP3 player X10 delivers sound correct. The bass is too present, the instruments lack of dynamics. But these flaws are minor: only music lovers will be embarrassed. The X10 has a standard headphone jack (3.5mm), which can connect any type of headphones. The player menus are clear enough. You may drop a widget on the desktop to control the live music. Practice.

With its 4-inch screen, the X10 should be a great video player. Alas, he does not play DivX or XviD. No application is free Android to read these video files. The few programs that are able to cost $ 10 minimum. The X10 bed happily MPEG4 video files. What can watch podcasts. The X10 video player is quite pleasant to use.

The new Xperia comes with two satellite navigation software: Google Maps to guide pedestrians and Wisepilot for car navigation. Wiespilot is software Offboard: to operate, it must be connected to the Internet.

The web browser X10 has many strengths. Web pages are very readable. Orders and react to the finger to the eye. Scrolling pages is fluid, even though the touch screen is not perfectly natural. The pages load quickly. However, the zoom is unpleasant. Now it is indispensable.

When looking at a holistic view of the page, the characters are illegible. It should zoom in on paragraphs of text to read. On many smartphones, just double click to zoom. Other phones can also pinch the screen with two fingers. None of that here. The only way to zoom is to press zoom in on an icon. It's quite unpleasant. It takes four or five clicks to zoom in a paragraph entirely.

The email software is rather convincing, especially if you have a Google Account. The setup takes a few seconds. If you are not in Gmail, the configuration is more complicated. The assistant n'automatise nothing: we must specify the "SMTP" and "POP" manually. Some users will be completely lost. Once set, you can breathe. Scrolling is fast couriers. The mails are read perfectly in HTML: images and fonts appear very colorful. However, it is impossible to delete multiple emails at once. Unpleasant. Problem solved by version 2.1 of Android. Fingers crossed for Sony Ericsson allows the update of the X10.

The new Xperia can post pictures on Facebook, and YouTube videos. It comes with a nice Facebook application. We access the news, on the wall of his friends, their photos, their own profile and notifications. Twitter client is also pleasant to use.

Remains the chef's surprise: Timescape. A wonderful cascade of information, drawing on his messages to four sources: Facebook, Twitter, SMS, emails. Timescape merge these posts in a huge pile of sixty messages. It runs through the stack of course, dragging down the posts. The oldest messages are at the bottom. Each message is detailed enough to make you want to click. Or not. Are shown: the emitter and photo, the beginning of the message, the time of publication. This social browser is quite stunning. Timescape is a must for heavy users of social networks. No other smarphone does keep an eye on his network of friends with such fluidity. Bravo.

Also note that the application Mediascape includes any content that is local (photos, music, videos) or online (YouTube, Picasa, Flickr, PlayNow). You will quickly find all content from your favorite artist they are on YouTube or PlayNow example. The research will be done automatically on all local sources on the web.

Finally, Sony Ericsson has teamed up with John Paul, the leading private concierge service, offering one year of service via an embedded application called Serve.Me. Looking for a restaurant to your taste? Serve.Me offers a selection of properties in 3 clicks and a concierge will reserve the best table. Beyond one year, it will then be possible to extend the subscription associated with this application directly to John Paul at the price of 1 euro per day.

X10's battery takes 24 hours of intensive use. If the household, it takes a day and a half. The X10 is sold 550 €. A normal price to this level of equipment.

If you like to track your friends on the Internet, the X10 is the motive for you. It offers a magnificent overview on Facebook, Twitter, your mails and SMS. The X10 is a good Android mobile, fast, favored by a huge screen. For a small additional investment, we can play divX in Cinemascope. The X10 takes good pictures, an MP3 player is comfortable. The X10 is a mobile full of qualities.

Must still be able to tolerate faults. We'll have to get used to the keyboard unpleasant, unflattering to its plastic, its Web browser with a zoom system Paleolithic. Sony Ericsson is on track. It is hoped that the next generation of Xperia find the fundamentals of the brand image of excellence and quality workmanship exemplary. If this challenge is met, Sony Ericsson restore his reputation faded. And sales agents.help to unlocking your phone or smartphone like samsung galaxy s2 s3 s4 or iphone 3 3s 4 4s 5 5s or nokia lumia or android ios windows phone 2013 .

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